See studio
In November 2022 I participated in the See Studio, a project initiated by Zahira Asmal with her agency The City. It brought together ten people from Cape Town and The Netherlands, who in their various creative disciplines show the impact of the past on the present, as well as the desire to rewrite and reclaim, to remember and honor for a more just and equal future. I was invited to explore the theme Invisible hybridity: A journey into Music, Language and Literature of the Cape together with Uzair Ben Ibrahim, whose work as a linguist and performance poet is invested in the revitalization and utility of Arabic-Afrikaans. The theme, and our common interest in reimagining languages that seem to be frozen in history, encouraged me to bring my artistic research of stories in the San languages |xam and |xun from the Bleek and Lloyd Archive into the See Studio context, to further explore how to bring these stories into the present.
As part of my presentation at the end of the See Studio, I initiated a sonic workshop at the hand of a |xam story about crows sent to look for men that are missing. During the sonic workshop I asked the group of participants to enter into dialogue with the two versions of this story, creating their own response to it.
In November 2023 Het Nieuwe Instituut published a selection of texts written by participants of the See Studio. To read my text please see the following link: The Sending of the Crows.